How can I

Let us talk about
the possibilities.

Lotte Gunderskov

Your writer, translator, executive assistant and HR partner

– When you need me!
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How can I help?

Boost your efforts

Let me be your company’s extra ressource. Draw on an extra person during peak periods, to pay extra attention to a task and reach your goal faster, or simply to make an extra effort.

Time is money

Do you feel that administrative tasks slow you down in realizing innovative visions and develop the business? Let me help free resources so that you can spend your time where you create the greatest value for your business.

Only when needed

If your need for assistance is not constant, then why burden the budget with additional overhead costs! Pay only for the hours, weeks or months during which assistance is required, and use the savings otherwise!

Small or large

I can take on the entire administrative task, or I can work as an assistant and support your HR manager, your communication staff, your PA, or whoever may need a helping hand.

  • Quality
  • Flexibility
  • Efficiency
  • Full confidentiality
  • Loyalty
  • Personal contact

Do we speak the same language?

It is not complicated to translate a text word for word. Web applications can do that for you. As a trained translator I can help translate your brochures, manuals, etc., so that the message comes across loud and clear, with appropriate attention to the small but significant nuances in language and culture.

I engage myself in your business, your product and your target group, so that I understand what you offer and where you want to go. And I ensure that this is reflected in the foreign language.

Tell the story

Storytelling is a way to get customers and other stakeholders to empathize with your business and your universe. Tell your story – on your website, in your company newspaper, in a speech ….

As a writer, I can help you with the wording so that your message will be understood and not misunderstood! I choose the words and phrase the text so that it becomes relevant and targeted.

Due diligence

Let me help you organize your administrative tasks, plan and execute large meetings and conferences, or structure the work processes.

With a background as secretary, personal assistant and executive assistant, I have experience with tasks for individual employees as well as on management level. I know that to make the wheels turn, it requires efficiency, adaptability, and a smile no matter what.

Human capital

The human capital is a company’s greatest asset. Let me help you take care of your employees. As HR Manager I have worked with all aspects of an employee’s career cycle.

I can help prepare your staff policies so that they clearly show the way for employees as well as managers, in line with your company’s values. I can help implement staff benefit initiatives, from bonus programs to the office party, and much more.

Do we speak the same language?

It is not complicated to translate a text word for word. Web applications can do that for you. As a trained translator I can help translate your brochures, manuals, etc., so that the message comes across loud and clear, with appropriate attention to the small but significant nuances in language and culture.

I engage myself in your business, your product and your target group, so that I understand what you offer and where you want to go. And I ensure that this is reflected in the foreign language.

Tell the story

Storytelling is a way to get customers and other stakeholders to empathize with your business and your universe. Tell your story – on your website, in your company newspaper, in a speech ….

As a writer, I can help you with the wording so that your message will be understood and not misunderstood! I choose the words and phrase the text so that it becomes relevant and targeted.

Due diligence

Let me help you organize your administrative tasks, plan and execute large meetings and conferences, or structure the work processes.

With a background as secretary, personal assistant and executive assistant, I have experience with tasks for individual employees as well as on management level. I know that to make the wheels turn, it requires efficiency, adaptability, and a smile no matter what.

Human capital

The human capital is a company’s greatest asset. Let me help you take care of your employees. As HR Manager I have worked with all aspects of an employee’s career cycle.

I can help prepare your staff policies so that they clearly show the way for employees as well as managers, in line with your company’s values. I can help implement staff benefit initiatives, from bonus programs to the office party, and much more.

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